Day 45 – Life goes on…

life goes on

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UK Deaths: 26,097

UK Cases: 165,221

Worldwide Deaths: 225,138

Worldwide Cases: 3,183,992[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]

Life goes on…

So 10 days have passed since I last wrote.  My anxiety seems to have calmed quite a bit, the hand scratching has pretty much stopped.  I still watch the news but do switch it off to do lessons with the kids.  Homeschooling hasn’t really got much easier, except we’ve all kind of resigned ourselves to get on with it, and if it isn’t working one morning/afternoon then we call it a day and try again the next day.  But we always catch up…

…in a fashion.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]

In the news

Since I last wrote we, as a nation, hit over the 20,000 mark in deaths.  Only the fifth nation to do so, and we are second in the ‘rate’ of deaths, only surpassed by the U.S (which isn’t really much to brag about).

Donald Trump announced at a press conference that there could be the possibility of using bleach internally to ‘clean out’ the lungs, as a cure for COVID-19.  Yes seriously!  Worryingly calls to emergency services about bleach spiked in the U.S shortly afterwards.

This morning we got the news that Prime Minister Boris Johnson and his partner Carrie Symonds welcomed a baby boy into the world.  Believed to be approx. 4-6 weeks early, both mum and baby are doing well.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]

Test, Test, Test

Tomorrow is the date set for us to reach 100,000 tests a day as promised by the government.  Funnily enough last week, testing availability was suddenly ramped up in terms of test centres, home testing, and mobile testing.  Then availability drastically relaxed this week, call me sceptical but do we think that was a desperate attempt to try and get somewhere near?!  They always covered themselves anyway as it was based on the ‘5 pillars’ of testing, one of which was antibody testing, which of course hasn’t been developed yet, so let’s wait and see what they say tomorrow.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]


England has finally announced that they will now include deaths in care homes and the community in our official daily figures.  It has taken some time and some pressure for this to happen, Scotland and Wales have been including for some time.  It is now thought that deaths in care homes amount for 1/3 of all coronavirus deaths (1/2 in Scotland).

My step mum died on Saturday 28 March, in a care home.  She had severe underlying conditions, and whilst there was no mention of Coronavirus, she would certainly not have survived if she had caught it.  She was so very ill, and this really was a blessing, but it didn’t make her death any easier.  We still couldn’t go and visit, couldn’t say goodbye, and couldn’t go to her funeral.

I worry care homes have been ‘forgotten’ about, left behind, unimportant in the grand scheme of things.  The staff and patients there laid open to infection with a lack of PPE, whilst going above and beyond in terms of care as the nation is in lockdown.  A story across the board within the NHS, but I do feel care homes and community medical care have been let down even more so.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]


I sit and watch a world repair itself, whilst it seems that mankind is being destroyed.  Faith would suggest that we need to witness how we have been destroying the world.  That we need to relook at how we treat each other and ourselves.  Perhaps then, COVID-19 has given us an opportunity to do this.

For all the parents told that flexible working wasn’t possible.  People with disabilities told that home working was not feasible.  A reduction by as much as 40% in carbon dioxide in some countries.  Even a glimpse of the Himalayas in India for the first time in decades.  How we decide as a nation, as a world, to come out of this pandemic is as essential, if not more, than the decisions made during the pandemic.

History in the making.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]

Fay x

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