Day 60 – 5 things you need to know about Foodbanks

Foodbanks in the UK

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Foodbanks in the UK


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Foodbanks in Lockdown

As the Coronavirus pandemic unfolds, foodbanks in the UK are working hard to ensure that no-one should be without food.  In the first two weeks of the pandemic, food banks in the Trussell Trust network saw an increase in demand of 81%.

In the past few months, a lot has changed. As the pandemic unfolds, everyone is adjusting to new ways of working and living, and unfortunately, a lot of us are dealing with difficult and tragic situations.  We are slowly adjusting to these changes and beginning to learn a new normal.

Here are 5 things you need to know about foodbanks in the UK.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]

1. The Trussell Trust

The Trussell Trust supports a nationwide network of food banks. Side by side they provide emergency food and support to people in poverty.   They are also campaigning for the government to end the need for foodbanks in the UK.

Unfortunately, it takes more than just food to end hunger. The Trussell Trust use their experiences of food banks to challenge the economic issues that find people stuck in poverty.

Learn More[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]

2. Facts & Figures

In the UK:

  • more than 14 million people are living in poverty
  • 4.5 million children are living in poverty
  • there are 2000 food banks in the UK
  • over 1.6 million food parcels given out last year

For the latest stats, see more here[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]

3. Raising Awareness

Companies, celebrities and the community are working hard to raise awareness of the growing issue of poverty in the UK.

Sainsbury’s, Asda, Tesco, The Entertainer, Palletforce, XPO Logistics and British Gas have worked closely with The Trussell Trust and charity group Fare Share to increase distribution and deliveries across the nation as the pandemic takes control.

Comedian Michael McIntyre raised funds by offering the chance to win a personal video chat, to help raise awareness during the #COVID19 outbreak.  Meanwhile, Singer Liam Payne has joined forces with the trust to support food banks as they see an increased need due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Local communities have pulled together during this crisis to support each other. Whether it’s checking in on elderly neighbours or delivering shopping to someone self-isolating or shielding.  The local community is at the very heart of The Trussell Trust.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]

4. How to help

What can you do? There are several ways you can help:

  • Volunteer – From helping at a local food bank to raising awareness in your local community and across social media.  Find out more here
  • Fundraise – During the lockdown, it requires a little more imagination, but there are still lots of ways to raise money.  Find out more here
  • Donate – Make a one-off donation, a regular donation or donate food to your local Foodbank via the supermarket.  Find out more here


5. End hunger and poverty in the UK

The Trussell Trust want to reach a future where no one needs a food bank. Even before the pandemic, they were seeing more and more people being pushed to food banks than ever before, that needs to change.

You can email or write to your local MP and tell them why they need to take action.  Ask them, as a priority, to:

  • End the five-week wait for Universal Credit
  • Ensure benefit payments cover the cost of living
  • Invest in local emergency support for people in crisis

It isn’t right that anyone should have to use a food bank in the UK.  We can make the difference by calling for change #ThisCanChange[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Please help where you can and let’s end this together.

Fay x

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