Self Care Sunday

Don’t Forget to Fill Your Cup: A Guide to Self-Care

21st April 2024

Life’s recent ups and downs highlight the need for self-care. It’s more than basic needs; it involves stress management, pursuing happiness, and maintaining health. Self-Care Sunday practices include exercise, nutritious food, digital detox, connecting with loved ones, hobbies, and mindfulness. Resources are available for guidance. Prioritizing self-care is crucial for overall well-being and coping with life’s demands.

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ADHD, Autism and Transition

ADHD, Autism and Transition

7th April 2024

Transitions are challenging for individuals with ADHD and Autism Spectrum Condition as they affect executive functioning, disrupt routine, and provoke anxiety. ADHD-specific issues include hyperfocus, time management, and emotional regulation. In contrast, those with ASC might struggle with social cues and require additional processing time. Acknowledging these difficulties allows for better supportive strategies for transitions, big or small, in their daily lives.

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