ADHD Burnout - What is it? Image shows young girl with long brown hair sat at desk holding her hands to her head looking overwhelmed surrounded by hands holding food, drink, mobile phone, alarm clock and forms to sign

ADHD Burnout – What is it?

12th March 2023

A seemingly simple question and answer, but actually quite complex once your delve a little deeper. ADHD burnout is when a person with ADHD feels physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausted due to overexerting themselves. Burnout is something that we can all suffer from in our lives, especially at work and especially in adulthood. However, burnout in […]

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adhd diagnosis - image of long empty road

ADHD Diagnosis – A Road Less Travelled?

12th February 2023

When you begin your journey with ADHD it can seem a lonely place. If like me you knew little about ADHD (naughty little boys?) then knowing where to start is daunting. It doesn’t help when respected broadsheets like The Times, allow the publication of articles like ‘I’m Sorry, but all this ADHD doesn’t add up’. […]

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